Jumat, 19 Juli 2019

Your new OneDrive is almost set up

Welcome to your new OneDrive! There's a lot to love about having OneDrive. Take the next step by uploading your first file. Upload a file. Your stuff is always with you. Your files and photos are always in sync and up-to-date on all of your devices.

Let's get started by uploading your first file. | View it online

Welcome to your new OneDrive!
There's a lot to love about having OneDrive.
Take the next step by uploading your first file.
Upload a file
Your stuff is always with you
Your files and photos are always in sync and up-to-date on all of your devices.
Get stuff done anywhere
Install the OneDrive app and you can view, edit, and share your files from your phone or tablet.
Share and collaborate
Send links to your Office files, and see everyone's changes as they happen with real-time coauthoring.
Get exclusive features and storage
Office 365 comes with premium OneDrive features, 1 TB of OneDrive storage, and the full power of Office.
1 TB total (1000 GB)
Powered productivity
Super sharing
Office 2016 Apps
Word - Excel - PowerPoint - OneNote - Outlook
Go premium
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You are receiving this message because you have a Microsoft OneDrive account.

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Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052 USA


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